Nikki's Portraits of Childhood

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I would like to invite you to opt into my monthly e-newsletter.  You have given your email in the past in one of the following situations:

  • as a portrait client,
  • buyer of my limited edition art inspired fashions, 
  • when purchasing one of my limited edition reproductions,
  • you entered the yearly draw for a "portrait of someone you love",
  • or you requested art class information. 
Future newsletters will include special offers available only to members of the "Nikki's Portraits of Childhood" opt in e-newsletter list.  You will also get free art lessons, information on classes, notices on events, and contests. Please fill out the form below to "opt in".  Of course you can choose to unsubscribe at any time.

Thanks I value your input too.  I hope you will let me know how I can  best serve you.

Nikki Jacquin
artist/ owner


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